Societatea civila profesionala Iordache & Asociatii este reprezentata de o echipa de avocati dedicati care nu sunt doar niste teoreticieni si practicieni ai dreptului. Suntem o echipa care gaseste solutii practice pentru nevoile Clientilor nostri la cele mai inalte standarde. Competenta echipei cumuleaza Cunostintele, Abilitatile si Atitudinea necesare pentru a fi alaturi de Clientii nostri pe drumul lor catre succes.

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Financial and Tax Law

The lack of predictability of the legislative evolution and the continuous changes in the financial-fiscal legislation make this area of ​​law a permanent challenge.

By being constantly connected to the legislative updates and  having innovative solutions, our clients can be proud to have a partner who watches over and advises them on the financial-fiscal part of their activity.

Starting from the idea that any individual who does not have a thorough knowledge of law and accounting can easily ignore some provisions, which can have multiple implications, we are with our clients from the beginning of their activity and recommend them to adopt a preventive conduct, which will help them develop a profitable economic activity.

As regards the compliance with the legislative provisions, the balance may be biased against the taxpayer, bringing criminal implications, questioning the entire economic activity, and, therefore, our clients ask us for assistance in complex financial operations, as well as, in the current activity.